Τρίτη , 17 Σεπτέμβριος 2024

Συχνές Ερωτήσεις

What is PALSO?

PALSO stands for Panhellenic Association of Language School Owners. We are located in Chania but there are other Palso Offices in all major Greek cities. The HQ is the Federation of Language School Owners located in Athens.

PALSO is not an agency for teachers but for language school owners thus it does not offer any teaching positions.

When do lessons start?

Lessons in Greece begin after the 11th of September and you can, if you wish, drop by our offices in Chania (Partheniou Kelaidi 72) and fill in an application form attaching your C.V. and your teaching licence. You could also send us your C.V.via e-mail.which we will be happy to file.

What happens after I submit my C.V.?

What usually happens is that language school owners seeking teachers come by the office, look at the applications and contact teachers for interviews. It is not customary for teachers to contact school owners.

What qualifications do I need to have to teach in Greece?

You must have a teaching permit from the Ministry of education to teach and a ceretificate of comptetence in the Greek language. For more info contact www.minedu.gov.gr/. They are also responsible for teachers in secondary schools.

If you’re not looking for a job in Chania you can also contact the Head Office of the Assosiation at www.palso.gr